
QTC Speech #9



Do you sometimes think about getting a new car?
Does your car get terrible gas mileage?
Is it a hopelessly old model?

Why don’t you go ahead and get a new car?
……one with all the latest technology.

Maybe you have seen a lot of new models on the street or on TV.
There are many types of new cars.
Recently, eco-friendly cars stand out,
cars such as EV (the electric vehicle) and HV (the Hybrid vehicle).


What type of car do you prefer if you want to buy one ?
I would suggest a car with a normal gasoline engine.

Why would I suggest that?
I will tell you the reason today.

After the automobile was born 120 years ago, the car technology has evolved rapidly.
People say the gasoline engine is difficult to improve any more.
And, the EV and HV were considered to be breakthroughs in technology.

However, at present, EV, the electric car, is not practicable.
Please look at this.

The price is high. The mileage is short.
It takes time to charge the battery.
The size of the car is small.
It will need further evolution to make it popular.
It will take over ten years.

However, HV, the hybrid car, is more practicable compared to EV.
An electric motor will be mainly used at low speed range.
An engine will be mainly used at mid and high speed range.
As a result, the mileage is tremendous.
Since a large amount of gasoline is consumed by the acceleration at the low speed range.
It is a perfect car for Japan that has a lot of traffic signals and congestion.

However, please think about this…
If fuel economy is improved, the fun of driving will deteriorate to the contrary. 
This is common sense.
HV is also the same as this.

So, I think you might be overestimating the HV?

I will give you a simple example.
The HV has a motor with unique battery in addition to an engine.
For this, the car is heavier, space is sacrificed, and the price increases.

Let me explain the differences between the HV model and the engine model for example.
Please look at this.

The vehicle weight, increases by *** kg.
This is two times the weight of a man.

And the capacity of the luggage area ** L is sacrificed.
This is equal to ** 2L bottles.

As you can see,
the price increases by ***,*** yen,
while, the fuel economy is improved *.* km/L.
But, just by simply calculation,
you cannot recover this price difference,
even after driving the car for ten years!!

Though I've only been bashing the HV,
it's true that the fuel economy is improved.

The point is this:
Which do you expect…
only the fuel economy or the various enjoyments of your car?
The car is a high price product.

Don’t you want to buy a satisfying car?

Now, I will introduce the great car today.
I think it will exceed your expectation.
You can enjoy the driving performance and you don't need to worry about fuel cost.

It is TNP 30 as same as HV with great performance.
It will be planed to release in the first half of this year.
I'm amazed.


That is a gasoline engine car and doesn't have the motor with the unique battery.
It is the next-generation engine that has been greatly improved the performance.

The point is this…
There are two things.
More powerful energy should be extracted from the fuel of a certain amount to the utmost limit.
And, the extracted energy should be brought to the tires without any loss.

However, these are very difficult things to do.
Simply put,
Please look at this.

70 percent of the generated energy by the engine is lost by various factors.
If you put 1000 yen of gasoline in your car, your car will lose 700 yen of gasoline.

The Engineers have investigated the cause of this 70 percent lost energy
that was impossible to improve until now.
They have strived perseveringly to solve this problem.
Finally, they have achieved a breakthrough innovation.

It has improved fuel economy and driving performance by innovating the engine itself!

Now, next time you want a new car…
what kind of car would you want to buy?


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