
QTC Speech #10 & My Birthday Party



来年はSpeech Contestに出て日本チャンピオンを目指すぞ~!
My 10th Speech
My 10th Speech posted by (C)KM

またQTC終了後、My Birthday PartyをMayukoさんにリードしていただきQTCメンバーと楽しんだ。
My birthday Party
My birthday Party posted by (C)KM

My birthday cake
My birthday cake posted by (C)KM

Title: Thank you
Let me test your memory!!
Do you remember what I said in my 8th speech?
I talked about how you can make your mind energetic.

So now, …Are you all energetically making your life happy ?
Of course, I am doing that.
I am energetically enjoying my life!

As I said before, it is all about "you". “Yourself”.
The key factor is "you".
It is “you”, who can make your mind become energetic.
In other words, you have to make the decision by yourself to make your mind energetic.
Well then, how do you make your decisions by yourself to effect your mind?
It’s simple.
You have to get your mind into a good mood.
There are two methods.
The first method is to use the 5 elements.
Your thinking, your face, your attitude, your words, and your action will influence your mind.

According to medical research,
your face is not influenced by your mind’s condition.
Rather, it is opposite.
Your mind is influenced by your face.
The other elements also affect your mind in the same way.

The question is,
“how” can you get your mind into a good mood?
The answer is whether your mind is positive, or not.
It is decided by you.
So you can just use positive thinking, positive face, positive attitude, positive words, and positive action .

For example, when difficult situations happen,
what words do you use to keep your mind’s condition?

Please remember Kitajima who is a great swimmer.
He said “ちょー気持ちいい”, didn’t he?

These are positive words. You can choose to say words like “no problem”, too.

It is decided by you and it is not decided by the situation.
Other Positive elements are also decided by you.
Can you do it?

Now, the second method to get your mind into a good mood is
to change your thinking from “receive” to “give”.

I think most people are crazier about “receiving” than “giving”.
Anyone will be in a good mood when they receive something.
However, they will realize that their mind will eventually become negative,
because they will want more or feel it’s not enough.
This is because the other person decides whether to give you something, or not.
It is not decided by you. It is dependent on the other person.

Please think about how happy you will be to receive a present.
And now, think about how happy you will be to give a present to someone?
Don’t you feel happy when you make someone happy?
It is because giving will energize your mind.

Wouldn’t you feel good if you could see your children’s happy faces when you take them to Disneyland even when you were very busy with work?
You would feel happy even if you got exhausted and money was spent.

Then, what should you give?
It should neither be a thing nor money.

Although you might feel good when you give them, it is a lonely feeling.
Also, your house and your purse might become empty. (laugh!!)

You should give your energy to someone’s mind.
And you can decide, by yourself,
whether you will give someone your energy, or not.
That miracle energy is Respectful mind, Cheerful mind, Appreciative mind.
And appreciative mind is the most important for your mind’s condition.

We originally live to wish for appreciation from someone.
So, you will become energetic if you are appreciated by someone.
However, how does your mind become appreciative when you appreciate someone?
I think your energy in your mind will be affected when you appreciate someone.

Saying “thank you” is the essential source that brings great energy and high performance to you.

However, we normally decide whether to appreciate someone, or not, by someone’s reaction.
You should not fluctuate between hope and despair from other’s reaction.
It is absolutely essential that you have an "appreciative mind" for your own good.
You should choose to "Give" in your daily life, for you, for yourself.

Recently, the value of this "appreciative mind" is proven in the sport world.
Do you know the great athlete who has an "appreciative mind"?
She is the marathon runner, Naoko Takahashi.
She seems to have been running in appreciation for being able to run in the full marathon.
And she appreciated the people on the sidewalk!
Furthermore, by about 30 kilos into the marathon, she appreciated even the rival who was competing against her.

If it was me, I will think "I will absolutely defeat you".
However, do you know what this will do?
It will not only strain your body and your muscles will become hard,
but it will also decrease your performance,
because your peripheral vessel 末梢血管 will shrink and the supply of oxygen will worsen.

However, Q chan was different.
She could improve and keep her energetic performance by appreciating others, even to competitors.
Of course, she didn't think that she may be defeated.
She definitely wanted to win by appreciating others even to competitors.

Finally, I believe people who can say “thank you”, will receive thank you from others.
And I believe the life that says “thank you”; you will create happy life that will receive thank you in life.

I hope you will decide to have the mind of "Thank you" for you!

Thank you very much TMs
This is 10th speech.
I really appreciate your kind support.
Thank you again for my 10th speech.


QTC Speech #9



Do you sometimes think about getting a new car?
Does your car get terrible gas mileage?
Is it a hopelessly old model?

Why don’t you go ahead and get a new car?
……one with all the latest technology.

Maybe you have seen a lot of new models on the street or on TV.
There are many types of new cars.
Recently, eco-friendly cars stand out,
cars such as EV (the electric vehicle) and HV (the Hybrid vehicle).


What type of car do you prefer if you want to buy one ?
I would suggest a car with a normal gasoline engine.

Why would I suggest that?
I will tell you the reason today.

After the automobile was born 120 years ago, the car technology has evolved rapidly.
People say the gasoline engine is difficult to improve any more.
And, the EV and HV were considered to be breakthroughs in technology.

However, at present, EV, the electric car, is not practicable.
Please look at this.

The price is high. The mileage is short.
It takes time to charge the battery.
The size of the car is small.
It will need further evolution to make it popular.
It will take over ten years.

However, HV, the hybrid car, is more practicable compared to EV.
An electric motor will be mainly used at low speed range.
An engine will be mainly used at mid and high speed range.
As a result, the mileage is tremendous.
Since a large amount of gasoline is consumed by the acceleration at the low speed range.
It is a perfect car for Japan that has a lot of traffic signals and congestion.

However, please think about this…
If fuel economy is improved, the fun of driving will deteriorate to the contrary. 
This is common sense.
HV is also the same as this.

So, I think you might be overestimating the HV?

I will give you a simple example.
The HV has a motor with unique battery in addition to an engine.
For this, the car is heavier, space is sacrificed, and the price increases.

Let me explain the differences between the HV model and the engine model for example.
Please look at this.

The vehicle weight, increases by *** kg.
This is two times the weight of a man.

And the capacity of the luggage area ** L is sacrificed.
This is equal to ** 2L bottles.

As you can see,
the price increases by ***,*** yen,
while, the fuel economy is improved *.* km/L.
But, just by simply calculation,
you cannot recover this price difference,
even after driving the car for ten years!!

Though I've only been bashing the HV,
it's true that the fuel economy is improved.

The point is this:
Which do you expect…
only the fuel economy or the various enjoyments of your car?
The car is a high price product.

Don’t you want to buy a satisfying car?

Now, I will introduce the great car today.
I think it will exceed your expectation.
You can enjoy the driving performance and you don't need to worry about fuel cost.

It is TNP 30 as same as HV with great performance.
It will be planed to release in the first half of this year.
I'm amazed.


That is a gasoline engine car and doesn't have the motor with the unique battery.
It is the next-generation engine that has been greatly improved the performance.

The point is this…
There are two things.
More powerful energy should be extracted from the fuel of a certain amount to the utmost limit.
And, the extracted energy should be brought to the tires without any loss.

However, these are very difficult things to do.
Simply put,
Please look at this.

70 percent of the generated energy by the engine is lost by various factors.
If you put 1000 yen of gasoline in your car, your car will lose 700 yen of gasoline.

The Engineers have investigated the cause of this 70 percent lost energy
that was impossible to improve until now.
They have strived perseveringly to solve this problem.
Finally, they have achieved a breakthrough innovation.

It has improved fuel economy and driving performance by innovating the engine itself!

Now, next time you want a new car…
what kind of car would you want to buy?



QTC Invocation2


I will tell you about an interesting story of the mental training.
Do you know, what is the royal road of positive thinking?

It is now.

If you do something, you have three alternatives.
That is the present, the past, and the future.
You can choose the best one from them freely when you do something.
In fact, most people choose the past or the future.

If you choose the past, you are always thinking the past experience.
For example, you are taking a test.
Unfortunately, that is your weakest subject.
That time your mind is filled with something like this.
“I should have studied a little more.”

However you never change your past.
If you think about the past more and more, you will become a negative thinker rapidly.

Do you know Ichiro.
He is a baseball player and a great positive thinker.
A media asked him,” It was the worst game yesterday, wasn’t it."
to bring him to the past more and more.
Ichiro doesn't get on such a lead easily.
He might say in simple words “who cares”.
Then he often said“I will try my best that I should be done now."
This means he always selected the present to lead a positive thinking.

On the other hand, we also often select the future.
For example,
You are a member of Samurai Japan.
Before you play a soccer game, you might often think
if we lose a game what should I do.
However you never know your future.

If you think about the future more and more, you will be raised your concerns
and you will become a negative thinker.

Now how Ichiro is doing?
A media asked him that “can you achieve over 200 hits next year?”
to bring him to the future more and more.

Even Ichiro never knows in his future.
Ichiro doesn't get on such a lead easily.
He might say in simple words “who cares”.

Then he often said like that “I will try my best that I should be done now.

So you should develop a habit to select the present.

I think everyone has heard that it is important to live in the present.
And you can say it.
But it wasn't enough to develop a habit to select the present.

You must always asked yourself like that,
"I live in present." “The time is now.”” Now for it. “
So that you can develop the royal road of positive thinking in your mind.

Of course, it is also important to think the past and the future.
That is improved the quality of present.
And there are necessary to clarify what should be done now.

However, there are never making anything for you.

It is possible to execute only now.
It is possible to change only now.



TM Area 61 Joint Meeting

Toastmasters Club Area 61 Join Meetingに参加!

QTCの代表としてFormal Speechを行った。



Thanks for my good friends.



Formal Speech 1

Formal Speech 2





The QTC Best Speaker Award

I won the 2010CY Best Speaker Award on the QTC 3rd anniversary party.
I was so surprised when I won it, because I did not entirely have any expectation.
I think it was to be able to do by QTC members' cooperation.
Thank you very much for your kind support.



QTC Speech #8


Title: The Realization of Your Potential

If you want to achieve your greatest performance in sport or in business….
WHAT would you do?

In sports,
you should build your muscle by weight lifting.
Then you need to get your technical skills by practice.

In busines,
you should get knowledgeable yourself, such as in English.
Then you need to get your working skills by OJT.

There will be excellent results from your great performance.

However, besides this…
Your performance will be influenced by "your mind condition".
Please imagine an iceberg floating on the sea.
As for the visible part, you can understand its performance.
And the part under water, that you cannot see…..
that is your potentiality.

This potentiality will be greatly influenced by "your mind condition".
Your performance will be increased by your mind when you have motivation.
However, your performance will be shrunk by your mind when you are not confident and/or not concentrating.

Today, I will tell you the method that you can perform using your full potential power.

1. First, I will explain the condition of the human mind.
Unfortunately, your mind will be changed easily.
For instance,
It becomes small when you step on the doggy do on the way to the station in the morning.
Then it becomes smaller again when your boss talks a boring and long “his own story” at the office morning meeting.
After that it becomes very big when your client says “Thank you for your good job" in the early afternoon.
However, it becomes very small at once when your colleague complains to you just before you leave.

How would you feel in these situations?
Do you feel about the same?

2. Now, why do such various feelings happen to you?
It is because the factors in which you are made to cause these feelings exist.
There are "Environment", "Experience", and "Other people”
1) First, it is the environment.
For instance,
In soccer, your performance will be different when you play at home or away.
If you transfer to another department, you may achieve an excellent outcome or you may not.
It is because your mind will be changed by the environment.

2) Next, it is experience.
Someone might say “I'm a little blue from the morning”.
But it is not the same as it is now.
This is the human character that we carry the feelings from a past experience.

3) And others' influences.
People don’t exist like the big buddha.
They speak, they move, they do things together, and they touch.
Therefore, they absolutely influence you.

These three factors are never changed by you and it is not possible to control them by yourself.
In addition to that, you may be putting some meaning on top of it.
Then, you are taking an easy way out.
This is called “Excuse” (言い訳)
3. Let me give you a simple example.
You come to the station, and the train is waiting.
Just then, you tried to get into the train.
You are eye to eye with the conductor.
However the door has just closed and it started.
How would you feel?
That time, you might think like this. "Shit the train! It is a terrible day".

Another example
Before you play a tennis game, please imagine that the sun is blazing glaringly at you.
How would you feel?
That time, you might think like this. "Shit! That must be very tiring. It will become a hot game. “

You cannot stop the train and change the weather.
They can never be changed by you and it is not possible to control them by yourself.

Making excuses might certainly be easy to do.
So you blame the train or the weather as an excuse for your performance.

4. Now, I will tell you how you can motivate your mind to be big.

Another most important factor exists. It is "you".
The difference is caused by your mind, even if you have the same environment, same experience, and same others.

For example, the standard of tiring is different from your mind.
There is proof that you decide the size of your mind by yourself.

It is true that the environment, the experience, and others influence your mind.
They can never be changed by by yourself.

Therefore, you do not decide your mind by these factors.
You have to make your decisions by yourself.

This way of life is called “No Excuse!!”.
Which would you choose for your great life, Excuse or No Excuse?


QTC Speech #7

今回のObjectiveはReserch Your Topic

Title:The most selling car in Japan

Do you know what is car that sells the most in Japan?
And I am not an employee of automobile company today.

It is ***** of ******.
Then numbers of its sales in this April are 35,546 units.
Even the car delivery in Japan is waiting during half a year.

However, why does ***** sell so much in Japan?
It is not in top 10 in the United States and Germany either.
Then, I will tell you about my opinion on ***** today.

I apologize first if you have a *****.
It is a personal opinion. Please do not worry.

1.First, I will explain what system is adopted on *****.
***** has a gasoline engine and an electric motor to move a car.
It is called HV system.
An electric motor will be used at low speed range.
A gasoline engine will be used at mid and high speed range.
As a result, fuel consumption is tremendous, 38km per a liter that was written on the catalog.
Because a large amount of gasoline is consumed by the acceleration at the low speed range.

2.Then, I will tell you the main points.
First, it is the realities of *****.
There is big gap on the fuel consumption between actual and catalog one.
The actual number is **km per a liter that I searched by Internet.
It is a difference of **km from catalog.

Why do you think occurs such a big gap.

An electric motor demonstrates the performance that is the merit in an urban area that repeats Stop & Go in short time.
It is likely to become the fuel consumption of 38km surely.
This is because the battery of an electric motor will be charged by repeat of Stop & Go in short time.
It is as a result of keeps using an electric motor at low-speed range.

This means HV is the best solution of the commuting congestion in the Japan city where there are a lot of traffic lights.

However, the battery that moves an electric motor will be dead on the going up road like the mountain path, and an electric motor and a battery become a just heavy weight.

It is possible to move only 2km that is maximum capacity in the performance of a current battery with one charge.

Moreover, fuel consumption doesn't improve in the expressway that is always at high speed range because it only uses a gasoline engine.

Therefore, fuel consumption will be changed greatly by the usage pattern for HV.
This is a cause of the difference between catalog and actual one.
However, ***** owners seem to be satisfied even at **km in word of mouth information on Internet.

3.Next, I think the point that is a price of HV.
There is a price difference of one million yen when you will select the hybrid vehicle from a normal one.
Even the person who drives well cannot counterbalance it for 5 years or more.

4. Finally my conclusion.
The bottom line is the HV doesn't match to its price.
I think that you should wait to buy the HV for a while after improvement of HV system.
Actually, various manufacturers are researching the battery.
The dreamlike HV might appear soon.

So, do you buy a HV now or not?

The first question still remains.
So, why does ****** sell the most in Japan now?

Following is what I assume.
I think that it is a point who is buying a *****.
It is a person who owned the large-sized car such as a Crown.
They transferred to a *****.

Their mind is:
The large-sized car is not driven easily.
The children already departed from our life, and it gets on two of us.
The contribution to society can be done.
The costs the gasoline and maintenance fee of Crown is high.
Show off the HV, and its newest technology!

I thought that they are forming the ***** freak.
Their segment is very large now at the time of keep increasing the number of senior citizens.
It was actually described that 57% of ***** buyers were 50 years old or more in the daily car newspaper on June 20.

This is why dose ****** sell the most in Japan now.
